
Trill League

Created by Anthony Piper

The next graphic novel chapter to the adult comedy, hip-hop inspired superhero team!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital Comics Delivered!
2 months ago – Wed, Oct 09, 2024 at 12:37:53 AM

Just a quick notice for everyone who purchased a digital reward that all digital comic codes have been distributed to your email I have on file. If you haven't received it, please check your spam just in case. If you still haven't received the code(s) or have issues downloading, please reach out to me at: [email protected] and I'll try to assist as soon as possible. 

Also, out of courtesy, please no spoilers for those still waiting for their physical copies as I'm still packing up orders. 

P.S. if you want to purchase a physical copy, you can still preorder on the Backerkit store. The Episode 2 physical book look exceptionally good as it was printed on a coated matte paper, so the inks and colors pop much better than I anticipated. 

Packages Going Out Tomorrow! Digital Comics Delivered Wednesday!
3 months ago – Sun, Oct 06, 2024 at 08:52:13 PM

Sup everyone!

Packages are starting to go out this week. Some of you have already received a tracking number for your order. I am still waiting for the Series Guide books which will arrive on Tuesday. That is when I will begin packaging and shipping all orders which have all 3 books. 

I ask that you be patient with me on this process. My goal is to have all orders out within the next 14 days, hopefully sooner. I still have a large amount of orders to bag and package up. Tracking numbers will be sent to the email you have on file, which should have the zipcode/address it is being sent to. Once you receive a tracking number and it is not the address you need it delivered to, you need to contact me immediately. You will have only 1 day to request an update before the packages go out. 

Digital comics will be delivered to your inbox on Wednesday via the email you have on file. Again, if you have problems with your email (please check your spam first), you can reach out to me at [email protected].

I'll have another update soon once I have all orders delivered! 

E-mail Address Update!
3 months ago – Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 09:34:17 PM

Sorry guys, I just got notified I added one to many l's to my email in the last update. Email me at [email protected] if you need to update your address. 

Shipping Begins!
3 months ago – Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 07:43:23 PM

Hey everyone, just a quick update that I have begun packaging the books and merch and will begin slowly shipping out packages this week. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for the Series Guides which will be delivered next week. If you need to change your address, please contact me ASAP so we can get your correct shipping info on file before we begin the shipping process. You can reach out via Kickstarter, BackerKit, or email directly at [email protected].

Tracking information will be sent to your email you have registered with BackerKit. Please note it will take a couple of days before the shipment shows movement as my intent is to send the packages out in batches. 

Digital comic downloads will be emailed on Wednesday,  October 9th. 

Also, if you placed a preorder after September 13th via BackerKit, your order has gone through and will be processed, however your card won't be charged until Friday, October 4th. 

Again, I want to thank everyone for their patience and again, I apologize for the long delay of this project, but we're finally here! 

Books Almost Here! Preorders Processing Sept 13.
4 months ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 05:46:07 PM

Hey everyone, just a quick update that the book shipment should be arriving within the next 3 weeks, which is when I'll begin packaging and shipping. 

If you preordered or added on any items to your orders through BackerKit, charges will be processed on Friday, September 13th, 2025. If you need to revise or cancel your order, you should be able to do so via your confirmation email, but if you can't and need assistance, please reach out to me at [email protected] or via Kickstarter (do not list your personal information).

There are still a few backers who have not filled out their surveys. If you need your survey resent or have your address changed, please reach out to me using the above methods. I will send out a final email once I receive the shipment to notify everyone of the next steps I'll be taking to ensure everyone receives their package.